Published by Ahmad Jamal on April 30, 2023
It’s not easy to tackle diarrhea as soon as your dog has pooped on the carpet, sometimes they do it overnight, other times they do it when you’re at work.
Either way, you don’t have the luxury to get rid of the diarrhea before it dries out, and you need to know how to get dried diarrhea out of carpet.
But if you have managed to tackle the poop soon, check our guide on how to clean dog diarrhea from carpet, as we explained what you can do fast to clean the poop up.
In this CleanersAdvisor guide, we’ll provide you with the list of materials you’ll need before mastering How to Get Dried Diarrhea Out of Carpet, then we’ll explain every step you need to get rid of the dried diarrhea for good.
Equipment and Items You’ll Need
1. High Quality Gloves
2. Trash Bags
3. Bowls or Spraying Bottles to Mix Ingredients In
4. Warm Water
5. White Vinegar
6. Baking Soda
7. Vacuum Cleaner
8. A Handful of Paper Towels
9. Old Fork
How to Get Dried Diarrhea Out of Carpet
We’ve established that now you’re dealing with dried out diarrhea, so you’ll be dealing with the stains on the carpet, and the dried poop, here’s how to deal with this situation:
1. Wear Latex Gloves or High Quality Ones
You won’t love to have a poop smell lingering on your hands, do you? We don’t.
Therefore, wear high quality gloves, or double up on wearing regular gloves, but wearing latex high quality gloves will be efficient.
If you already approached or came into contact with diarrhea before reading this guide, you’re not going to suffer the lingering poop smell anymore, read our guide on how to get poop smell off hands in a step by step manner.
2. Prepare Plastic Garbage Bag
Garbage bags are important to deal with the dried diarrhea, so that you don’t have to deal with moving mess anymore.
Moreover, the lingering smell can be stopped in its tracks by getting rid of the source, which is the dried diarrhea.
The garbage bag will be filled with dried poop pieces, and you should tie it as tight as you can, and remove it as soon as possible to the trash can outside your house.
3. Begin Removing Larger Pieces
Use the paper towels to scoop and remove the larger pieces of dried diarrhea, and put them in the garbage bag.
Don’t push or rub the dried diarrhea into the carpet, this will make matters worse.
Instead, carefully move them from the carpet to the garbage bag, and be careful not to drop the dried diarrhea onto another location by mistake.
You should repeat this process as many times as you’ll need, until you’ve got rid of every removable dried diarrhea part.
You may use many paper towels in the process, as the goal is not to save paper towels, but to save the carpet.
4. Create Cleaning Mixture
Now we’ve got rid of the larger pieces of poop, now we’ll deal with the stain spots.
For smaller stain spots, combine a cup of warm water with a single cup of white vinegar.
However, if you’re dealing with larger stain spots then you’ll need to use larger quantities, for that, use a 1:1 solution using warm water and white vinegar.
Mix the ingredients gently, and let it sit until you finish step 6.
5. Use Fork to Scrape Dried Diarrhea
Remember an unused or old fork you nearly forgot it existed in your kitchen? It’s time to use it now.
Like the motion when you’re raking the leaves outside, use the old fork to scrape dried diarrhea off the carpet.
Remove as much feces as possible, but once you feel you can’t do it properly, or you start damaging the carpet’s fibers, you need to stop immediately and move on to step 6.
6. Use the Vacuum Cleaner
The Vacuum cleaner can help you get rid of particles that can’t be removed with neither paper towels nor a fork.
Use the vacuum cleaner to remove those particles, chunks, or flakes that became looser after such treatment.
The vacuum shouldn’t spill around the mess as it sucks them in without sprinkling them around as most would expect.
7. Use the Solution
Whether you mixed the solution in a spraying bottle or in a large bowl, you’ll use it now on the stains.
Pour or spray the solution over the stain spot, and let the solution fight the stains for 5-10 minutes.
This step completes the initial removal of feces by tackling the stain spot left there by the dried diarrhea, and would remove both the stain and the source of lingering bad odor.
8. Blot The Liquids
Now you have a solution soaking the stain spot for 5-10 minutes, you’ll need to absorb the excess liquid by blotting it properly with a paper towel.
If you’ve blotted the liquids properly and the stain spot is still visible, then you’ll need to repeat steps 7 & 8 one more time, and check the results afterward.
9. Baking Soda to Remove Odors
Baking soda is known to be the hardcore odors remover, and this also works on dried diarrhea’s lingering odor.
Sprinkle a large amount of baking soda to fight the odors, and let it sit for a couple of hours.
If you’re dealing with a large mess, it’s advised to leave the baking soda overnight, and vacuum it back in the morning.
10. Regain Your Favorite Smell
Lysol disinfecting spray or any bacteria killers can be a good first step towards regaining your favorite smell around the house.
Moreover, use essential oils like lavender or lemon oil to naturally remove the remaining bad smell and replace it with a well-liked one.
How To Clean Up Diarrhea From Your Carpet
To Wrap Up
Dried Diarrhea isn’t a problem anymore with this CleanersAdvisor guide.
As we’ve explained How to Get Dried Diarrhea Out of Carpet in 10 consecutive steps, showcasing the items you need to use beforehand.
If you have any questions regarding How to Get Dried Diarrhea Out of Carpet, feel free to ask us in the comments section below, and we’ll answer you as soon as possible.