How to Clean Home with Cats? Keeping Your Home Spotless As a Cat Owner [2023 Guide]

Published by Ahmad Jamal on April 1, 2023

As a cat owner, keeping your home spotless can seem like an impossible task. From hairballs to litter box messes, cats can make quite the mess in their own unique way. 

However, with some dedication and a few tips and tricks up your sleeve on How to Clean Home with Cats, it is possible to keep your house clean despite having cats around.

Let’s discuss how you can maintain a tidy home even with felines as roommates in this CleanersAdvisor guide.

Invest in Pet-Friendly Cleaning Products

Investing in pet-friendly cleaning products can be beneficial for cat owners who want to keep their home spotless. 

These types of products are designed to effectively clean your home without harming your furry friends. 

Pet-friendly cleaners are usually free from harsh chemicals and detergents, so they’re safe to use around your cats while still providing a deep clean. 

They’ll also help you avoid having to use harsh chemical-based cleaning products that can be dangerous for your pets, and won’t leave behind any lingering odors or residues that could make your cats uncomfortable. 

Pet-friendly cleaners often come in easy-to-use spray bottles, so they’re quick and simple to use. 

They also come in a variety of scents, so you can choose one that your cats will enjoy. 

With the right pet-friendly cleaning products, you can keep your home looking and smelling great for both you and your cats!

How to Clean Home with Cats

How to Clean Home with Cats: Cleaning Cat Litter Box

One of the key benefits of deep cleaning your litter box on a weekly basis is to reduce the potential for odors and bacteria that can accumulate in an unclean environment. 

When cat waste accumulates in the litter box, it can begin to decompose and create unpleasant odors. 

Regularly deep cleaning the litter box will help eliminate any odor-causing bacteria and keep your home smelling fresh. 

Deep cleaning also helps prevent any build up of parasites or other harmful pathogens that can be transmitted through contact with the litter box. 

Regularly cleaning the litter box will help keep you, your family, and your cat safe from potential health risks. 

Another important thing to remember is that cat litter should not be flushed down a toilet

The majority of cat litters are made up of clay or other materials that can clump together and cause problems in your plumbing system. 

Although some brands claim to specialize in flushable litter, it is best to avoid flushing any type of cat litter as this can lead to clogs and other plumbing issues. 

Cat waste can contain parasites and bacteria that can contaminate water systems and harm the environment if it is not disposed of properly. 

The best way to dispose of used litter is to scoop it into a plastic bag and place it in an outdoor garbage bin.  

If you choose to use a flushable litter, make sure to flush only small amounts at a time, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. 

How to Clean Home with Cats

Cats are cuddly and affectionate companions, but they also come with a lot of hair. Reducing cat hair in your home is essential for maintaining a spotless environment. 

Here are some tips on how to clean home with cats and make it fur-free:

Brush Regularly 

Brushing your cat daily or at least several times a week will help reduce the amount of loose hair floating around your home. This can be done with a daily combing or a slicker brush.

Vacuum Often 

Vacuuming regularly is one of the best ways to keep cat hair at bay. Make sure you are using a vacuum that is specifically designed to pick up pet hair.

Clean Bedding and Furniture 

Launder your cat’s bedding, like their blankets and scratching posts, at least once a week. Vacuum furniture regularly to remove embedded hair that has been left behind from cat naps.

Use Air Purifiers 

An air purifier can help trap pet dander and hair in the air as well as reduce odors. Make sure to change the filter often so it is effective.

Bathe Your Cat 

A good bath with a mild shampoo can help limit the amount of fur that ends up in your home. Be sure to use a cat-specific shampoo and always condition afterward.

Place Towels Near Doors 

Placing a towel near the doorways can help to catch fur as your cat enters and leaves the house. This is especially beneficial for cats that go outside occasionally. 

Change Your Cat’s Diet 

Increasing the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in your cat’s diet may help reduce shedding. Consider adding fish oil supplements or canned salmon to their meals.

How to Clean Home with Cats

Train Your Cat to Stay Away from Certain Areas of the Home

Training your cat to stay away from certain areas of the home can help you keep your home spotless. 

For example, if you do not want your cat near the kitchen counter or dining table, you can teach them with simple techniques such as saying “No” and making a loud noise when they approach those places. 

This will help them to associate those places with negative experiences and will encourage them to stay away. 

You can also use deterrents like double-sided tape or plastic wrap to make certain areas of the home less inviting. 

You can provide cat furniture so they have a designated area where they can lounge and play without getting into trouble. 

Keeping your cat’s claws trimmed regularly is another important step in keeping your home tidy and protected from damage.

How To Clean Cat Beds

Cleaning cat beds can be a challenge. Most cats don’t like having their bedding removed and washed, so it’s important to make the process as stress-free as possible. 

The easiest way to clean a cat bed is to use an enzyme-based cleaner specifically designed for pet odors such as Nature’s Miracle. 

Spray the cleaner liberally on the bedding, and let it sit for 15 minutes or so before washing. 

If you don’t have an enzyme-based cleaner, use a mild detergent like baby shampoo to clean the bedding. 

When finished, rinse the bedding with cold water to make sure all of the soap is removed and then let it air dry.

Utilize Natural Cleaners When Possible

Cats are notorious for tracking in dirt and debris from outside, jumping onto counters and tables where they shouldn’t be, and leaving fur everywhere! 

One of the most important steps is to utilize natural cleaners when possible.

Natural cleaners are effective in removing dirt and grime, while also being safe for cats and people alike. 

They do not contain harsh chemicals that can be absorbed into your cat’s skin or inhaled, which may cause irritation or respiratory distress. 

Natural cleaners also generally have less of an environmental impact than their chemical-laden counterparts.


Keeping your home clean as a cat owner doesn’t have to be difficult. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can keep both your pet and your living space looking and smelling fresh. 

Vacuuming regularly, using an enzyme-based cleaner for any accidents that occur, and keeping litter boxes out of sight are all key strategies when it comes to maintaining a spotless home with cats around.

With these steps, you can enjoy having cats without sacrificing cleanliness!

Are you a fan of video guides? Here’s one that’ll help you master how to clean home with cats that’s made by one of CleanersAdvisor friends: